Hi! I am Carlo Brozzo -Professional Photographer

In my first life, I was a professional “analog” photographer. Until the mid-nineties, I worked in the field of fashion, entertainment and advertising. For my own research, I have always loved portraits, glamour and sports. I then embarked on another career and I hung the camera to nail limiting myself to photograph holidays. In my second photographic life, beginning in 2013, I consider myself a semiprofessional “digital” photographer. I am a manager and a journalist and love started again to shoot and to teach photography history, composition and post-production with Adobe Lightroom. Today I mainly shoot sports, from artistic Gymnastics to Volley. For personal research, love started again to do portraits, cosplay and glamour. I don’t shoot naked people not even artistic nude and children. I like to shoot outdoors in interesting locations, the internal studio is always my last choice.